AWS CSA 2020 LW-World informatic Tasks.
Under the mentorship of Sir Vimal Daga
Task 3
- Create an AWS EC2 instance
- Configure the instance with Apache Webserver.
- Download php application name “WordPress””.
- As wordpress stores data at the backend in MySQL
- Database server. Therefore, you need to setup a MySQL server using AWS RDS service using Free Tier.
- Provide the endpoint/connection string to the
WordPress application to make it work.
I will mostly be using CLI for the tasks
- Create an AWS EC2 instance
Here I will be using windows cmd prompt which has been setup with aws cli to connect to my aws account

2. Configure the instance with Apache Webserver.
So in other to setup Apache webserver. lets ssh into the instance using putty, so to do that we need the public Ip of the instance and the private key we use in creating the instance
- Ip=
- private key= zanos1
- lets open putty and input the Ip

lets input the password

so when putty open the session type ec2-user then switch to root user

now lets install apache web server. so in other to do that type

now lets test to see if apache web site is working by using the instance public IPv4 DNS witch is “ec2–13–127–120–”

Waooooh its working perfectly
3. Download php application name “WordPress””.
in order to download WordPress you will need to download php first

now lets download wordpress

wordpress is now set
4. Database server. Therefore, you need to setup a MySQL server using AWS RDS service using Free Tier.
setting up MySQL server using AWS RDS service using Free Tier.

Now letsconnect the mysql ontop of RHEL8
before that make sure you most have install mysql on RHEL8 by typing
“yum install -y mysql”

lets setup wordpress

[root@ip-172–31–33–137 wordpress]# amazon-linux-extras install -y lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 php7.

lets restart httpd
final stage lets test to see if its working using the instance public IPv4 DNS and the wordpress witch is “ec2–13–127–120–”

It work perfectly thanks to Sir Vimal and the linux world informatics team
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